Highlights in the development of transportation infrastructure in Ha Nam province are being well promoted democratic regulations at the grass-roots, mobilization people to work along with the government support to construct roads, alleys in every village. People are told, have right to disscuss and to join in organising so they are assured to contribute their money as well as their help to the works. During the deployment process, the government support with providing cement, technical guidance. At the same time, the people contribute their own work to organise the construction works. The balance of the intire works was drawn in openness and transparency. This work is highly supported by people and quickly expanded. People contribute a big part of the expense to contruct roads and alleys in every village. Some family voluntary donate a hundred of square metters of land to expand the transport system in the villages. The movement of contruting road system in Ha Nam province has promoted the strength of people, has made a good road system and improved the livelihood. Now we don’t have to experience muddy roads in the rain season. Most of the roads were solidly concreted and the road surface was expanded to meet the criteria of “new countryside” and you can drive cars to every family. Lately, the summary of the movement of contructing road system shows that we had mobilised more than 1,112 billion from our people, had contructed roads in the villages and main roads to the fields and 92% of the roads are covered with concrete. We expect to concrete 93% of the road by the end of 2015 which is to exceed 13% compared to the Resolution of the Provincial Committee proposed. The Government have praised and awarded Ha Nam province as one of the leading provinces in the movement of contructing roads in countryside. Beside focusing on contructing roads in the villages, towns, Ha Nam province have mobilised investment sources to upgrade national highways. In the period 2011-2015, the province had upgraded and improved more than 3,036 km of roads of all kinds, which are 20.4 km of highways, 18.5 km province roads, 15.14 km urban roads, 64.87 km of district roads, 306.4 km ward roads, 1,803 km roads in the villages and 808.6 km roads to the fields with 10,898 billion of investment. Out of the above number, the Government support 1,564 billion, more than 944 billion from the locals, 6,133 billion from the Government bonds, 385 billion from the province budget, 343 billion from the foreign funds, more than 505 billion from the land fund and the people contributed more than 1,112 billion.

Evaluating the results of investment in development of transportation infrastructure in Ha Nam in 5 years shows that despite many difficulties due to the economic downturn, with the attention of the Government as well as with the efforts of all levels and sectors, the business community, and especially the people, transportation infrastructure has been made significant changes. The province have reviewed and implemented adjustment and addition a plan to develop the transportation by 2015 and vision to 2025. Series of transport routes have been building such as 1A highway, highwa 38, Thai Ha bridge, Phu Ly city bypass, Phu Ly and My Loc highway 21 ramp, N2 branch line, Phu Van bridge, Chau Giang bridge, Nam Cong suspension bridge, Hop Ly bridge. Because the province transport system is effectively connected to the national transport system, it helps develop the local economy.

Although it has been invested and had positive changes, comparing with the target of Resolution 06 of Provincial Party Committee, so far the implement of upgrading highways in the province just reaches 53% of the plan. With the rural roads, the objectives of Resolution are to upgrade 40% of district roads to 5th level of higher plain. We have upgraded 89 km and reached 33%. We strive to complete the target by the end of 2015. We have upgraded 718 km of village roads which reaches 70%. We strive to reach 75% of the target by the end of 2015. The rate of hardening the ward roads is 78% which is 800 km. We strive to complete 80% by the end of 2015. The reason why we havent met most of the targets of the Resolution is that we have difficulties in funding and many projects have been unfinished.

In the coming time, the provincial People's Committee command that all the localities continue to review and upgrade all the degraded roads and relist to mobilise investments, strive to basicly complete the plan about development of transportation infrastructure in period 2011-2015.