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Department of Natural Resources and Environment

About Ha Nam  
Department of Natural Resources and Environment

Position, Functions

         The Department of Natural Resources and Environment is a specialized agency under the People's Committee and is responsible for advising and assisting the People's Committees in the state management of natural resources and environment, including: land; water resources; mineral, ecological and environmental resources; hydro-meteorology; climate change; surveying and mapping; managing and organizing the implementation of public services in the fields under its function.

         The Department of Natural Resources and Environment has the legal entity, seal and account as prescribed by law. It follows the direction, management and administration of the People's Committee as well as the professional inspection and guidance of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.


Responsibilities, Powers

  1. Submitting to the People's Committee:

    a. Draft decision, direction; long-term, five-year and annual plans; programs, schemes, projects, measures to organize the implementation of the tasks of natural resources and environment and the state administrative reform under the jurisdiction of the Department.
    b. Draft document which defines the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

    c. Draft document which stipulates the conditions, criteria and titles for heads and deputy heads of units under the Department; the heads and deputy-heads of specialized sections of the district-level People's Committee within the scope of their assigned state management.

    2. Submiting to the Chairman of the People's Committee:

    a. Draft legal documents issued by the Chairman of the People's Committee on natural resources and environment.

    b. Draft decisions on the establishment, merger, splitting, dissolution, reorganization of organizations and units belonging to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.
    c. Draft documents regulating the relations and coordination between the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and related departments, People's Committee and district-level People's Committee.


    3. Implementing the legal documents, plans, programs, schemes and projects on natural resources and environment after they are approved; informing, propaganding, guiding, popularing, educating and monitoring the law enforcement aw well as awareness raising on natural resources and environment in the province.


    4. Managing, organizing the expertise, registration, license, diplomas and certificates issuing within their management functions and tasks according to the assignment, decentralization or authorization of the People's Committee and the Chairman of People's Committee.

    5. Land:

    a. Directing, coordinating with the concerned agencies in elaborating and adjusting local land planning and using then submitting them to the People's Committee; guiding, monitoring and inspecting the implementation of approved land use plans.

    b. Evaluating of land use plans submitted by the district-level People's Committee to the provincial People's Committees for approval; monitoring and inspecting the implementation of the approved district-level land use plans; evaluating land use demands, appraising conditions for land allocation or land lease, permitting the conversion of land use purposes for the execution of investment projects.

    c. Advising the People's Committee on the allocation of land and recognition of residential land to households; the land use right certificates are granted to households and individuals who themselves clear land for agricultural production; the quotas for allocation of vacant land, bare hills or land with water surface in the group of unused land for households and individuals; minimum land area to be separated and other contents as prescribed by the land law.

    d. Evaluating documents on land assignment, land lease, land recovery, transfer of land use rights and land use purpose change to the provincial People's Committee for decision; organizing the appraisal of compensation and resettlement schemes according to its competence; assisting the Chairman of the People's Committee of the province in conducting the requisition of land in accordance with regulations.

    đ. Carrying out the registration of land and assets attached to land, to sign land lease meetings, to grant certificates of land use right, ownership of houses and other assets attached to land in cases falling under the rights in accordance with the provisions of law and for cases authorized by the provincial People's Committee; setting up, managing, updating and adjusting cadastral documents in accordance with regulations. Carrying out the registration of land and assets attached to land, to sign land lease meetings, to grant certificates of land use right, ownership of houses and other assets attached to land in cases for the People's Committee; setting up, managing, updating and adjusting cadastral documents in accordance with regulations

    e. Organizing the implementation and guiding the inspection of the land resource investigation and evaluation; surveying and evaluating land; creating, editing and managing cadastral maps; maping the current status of land use; building and operating a monitoring and evaluation system for land management and use; organizing and implementing the survey of the land resource investigation and evaluation.

    g. Assuming the prime responsibility in organizing the formulation and adjustment of land price tables and submitting them to the provincial People's Committee for prescription; land price mapping; advising on the settlement of land price-related problems.

    h. Assuming the prime responsibility in organizing the determination of specific land prices to serve as basis for calculation of land use levies or land rents, calculating the land use right value upon the equitization of state enterprises, calculating the compensation when the state collects re-allocate land and other cases according to the provisions of law to the provincial People's Committee for decision.

    i. Building, managing, exploiting and supplying information and databases on land according to regulations. Building, managing, exploiting and supplying information on the land in according with regulations.

    k. Directing, coordinating with the concerned agencies in, guiding, inspecting and organizing the compensation, supporting and resettling in cases where land is recovered in according with regulations.

    l. Inspecting and organizing the development of the land fund; managing and exploiting land funds; organizing the auction of land use rights in according with regulations.


    6. On water resources:

    a. Formulating and implementing water resource plans for basic investigation, regulation and distribution of water resources, restoration of polluted and exhausted water sources; supervising the exploitation, using and protection of water resources, the prevention and fight against and overcoming of the harmful effects caused by water on the river basin of the province.

    b. Delineing restricted areas, areas where underground water exploitation is registered, areas where artificial groundwater is added, and announced minimum flow and underground water exploitation thresholds according to their competence, restricted areas temporary silencing of sand, gravel and other minerals in the river; listing lakes, ponds, lagoons are not leveled.

    c. Building and managing a system of supervising the exploitation and use of water resources and discharge of wastewater into water sources for river basins in provinces.

    d. Organizing the coping and remedy of water pollution incidents; monitoring, detecting and participating in solving inter-provincial water pollution pollution problems according to its competence; setting up and managing the water source protection corridors, the sanitary-protection zones in the areas for daily-life water supply; ensuring water supply for daily-life water supply in case of drought, water shortage or water pollution incidents.

    đ. Appraising documents on the grant, extension, adjustment, suspension, revocation and re-grant of water resource permits and permit the specialized water resource exploiters according to their competence; collecting fees and charges on water resources, calculating the amount of right to exploit water resources in accordance with regulations; guiding the registration of water resource exploitation and usage.

    e. Organizing the implementation of basic survey activities, monitoring of water resources as decentralized; inventory, statistics and storage of water resources in the area; reporting to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on the results of basic surveys on water resources, the situation on management, exploitation, use and protection of water resources, prevention and combat and overcoming of consequences caused by water locality.

    g. Synthesizing the situation on exploitation and using of water and sources discharged into water sources in the localities; listing the polluted, degraded and exhausted water sources.

    h. Guiding, monitoring and inspecting the filling of wells not used in accordance with the regulation.         


    7. Mineral resources:

    a. Delineating areas where mineral activities are prohibited, areas where mineral activities are temporarily banned; identifying areas not auctioning mining rights under the competence of the provincial People's Committee; proposing the unprotected mineral protection measures to the People's Committee; planning and organizing auctions of mining rights under the licensing authority of the provincial People's Committee after being approved.

    b. Elaborating the planning on mineral exploration, exploitation and use in their respective localities according to regulations; promptly detecting and reporting to the provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment upon discovery of new minerals; appraising the project of mineral exploration; appraising document of recognition of norms for calculation of mineral reserves; approving documents for mineral reserves; inventorying mineral reserves under the licensing competence of the provincial People's Committee.

    c. Organizing the appraisal of documents of application for the grant, extension, withdrawal and surrender of mineral exploration licenses and permits for mineral exploitation; the documents on transfering the right to prospection, the right to exploit minerals; the documents on  returning of part of the area of the exploration or mining area; mine closure project; the document on auctioning of the right to exploit minerals falls under the deciding competence of the provincial People's Committee; evaluating docuemtns and calculating the right to issue mineral exploitation rights.

    d. Organizing the appraisal of reports on the results of exploration of minerals used for ordinary construction materials and peat falling under the approving competence of the provincial People's Committee.

    đ. Managing, storing and supplying information and materials on mineral exploration for use as common construction materials and peat; reporting on and certify mineral reserves already approved and periodically report them to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment according to regulations; collecting fee for mineral mining license; charging for evaluation of mineral reserves.

    e. Setting the royalty-liable price of a mineral that has no royalty-liable price or to adjust the royalty-liable price as it is no longer in accordance with the regulations.


    8. Environment:

    a. Evaluating environment and biodiversity indicators in strategies, plans, schemes and projects under the approving competence of the provincial People's Committee.

    b. Organizing the appraisal of strategic environmental assessment reports, environmental impact assessment reports, environmental protection schemes, projects on establishment of nature conservation zones and biodiversity areas under their approving competence of the provincial People's Committee; inspecting and certifying the implementation of environmental protection schemes, working and measuring to protect the environment in service of the operation stage of projects already approved with environmental impact assessment reports under their competence in accordance with regulations; certifying the registration and implementation of environmental protection plans of production, business or service projects and plans under their respective competence.

     c. Assuming the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the concerned agencies in, elaborating and adjusting local biodiversity conservation plannings and organizing the implementation thereof after they are approved; guiding and inspecting the conservation of biodiversity at biodiversity conservation facilities and the conservation of species on the list of endangered precious and rare species prioritized for protection, excluding plant varieties , animal breeds in the province; evaluating documents for the grant of certificates of biodiversity conservation facilities according to the assignment by the provincial People's Committee.

    d. Granting and adjusting the registers of hazardous waste source generators in accordance with regulations; organizing the implementation of annual statistics on indicators on the situation of waste generation and treatment in the locality; monitoring and inspecting the recovery and disposal of expired or discarded products of production, business and service establishments in accordance with regulations; verifying, checking and certifying the implementation of the contents and requirements on environmental rehabilitation and restoration and depositing for environmental rehabilitation and restoration in mineral exploitation of projects falling under the competence of the provincial People's Committee. guiding and inspecting the import of scraps according to its competence.

    đ. Formulating, and organizing the implementation of, programs, plans, projects and projects on the prevention, protection, overcoming and improvement of the environment, conservation and rational use of biodiversity resources as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.

    e. Organizing the collection and verificating the data and evidences to determine environmental damage; claiming compensation for environmental damage caused by pollution or degradation in two or more districts or cities of the province; formulating and organizing the implementation of the plan for prevention and response to environmental incidents; assuming the prime responsibility for building capacity and mobilizing forces to overcome environmental pollution caused by incidents as assigned by the provincial People's Committee.

    g. Organizing according to their competence, the elaboration, amendment and supplementation of lists of establishments causing serious environmental pollution which need to be thoroughly handled; certifying the seriously polluting establishments have completely disposed of them; inspecting the thorough treatment of establishments causing serious environmental pollution and the targeted support from the state budget to thoroughly handle a number of establishments causing serious environmental pollution in the region public interest in accordance with the law; environmental protecting of craft villages in the area in accordance with regulations.

    h. Carrying out the registration, recognition, granting and withdrawal of permits, certificates, environmental and biodiversity certificates in accordance with regulations.

    i. Assuming the prime responsibility for synthesizing and balancing funding demands, evaluating the plans and budget estimates from the annual environmental non-business activities of the Department and submit them to the Finance & Plan Department; coordinating with the Finance and Plan Department in guiding and inspecting the implementation of plans and budget estimates from environmental non-business sources after they are approved.

    k. Organizing the payment of environmental services related to biodiversity, environmental compensation and restoration, collection of environmental protection charges and fees, environmental rehabilitation and restoration fees in accordance with the regulations; assisting the provincial People's Committee in organizing the management of the local environmental protection fund.

    1. Building and managing the local environment and biodiversity monitoring system; organizing the observance and management of environmental and biodiversity monitoring data according to its competence.

    m. Organizing survey, inventory and assessment of the current status of biodiversity, assessing ecosystems, endangered precious and rare wildlife species prioritized for protection (excluding plant varieties, livestock, microorganisms and men) and degraded genetic resources; proposing and implementing solutions, conservation models, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity resources in the locality.

    n. Guiding, organizing the investigation, making a list of invasive alien species and taking measures to prevent and control invasive alien species; guiding the custodial and management of invasive alien species in the province; receiving and processing information and data on genetically modified organisms and products and goods originating from genetically modified organisms; guiding the inspection of activities on management of genetic resources in the province.

    o. Organizing the collection, management, statistics, storage and supply of environmental data; building, updating, maintaining and operating the information, documentation and environmental databases; reporting on current status of environment and biodiversity report in the province. Organizing the assessment, forecasting and supplying of information on impacts of environmental pollution and degradation on people and organisms; compiling and disseminating information on the environment of the province in accordance with the law.

    p. Assuming the prime responsibility for, and coordinating with the concerned agencies in, solving inter-branch and inter-provincial environmental issues and the conservation and sustainable exploitation of natural resources and biodiversity.


    9. Hydro-meteorology:

    a. Organizing the appraisal of documents for the grant, extension, adjustment and withdrawal of operation permits of specialized hydro-meteorological works in their respective localities, which fall under the deciding competence of the provincial People's Committee; guiding and inspecting the implementation.

    b. Assuming the prime responsibility in appraising investment projects on the construction, renovation and upgrading of specialized meteorological and hydrological works; participating in the elaboration of plans on prevention, combating and overcoming of the consequences of natural calamities, inspecting the implementation of regulations on forecast, warning and communicating the natural disasters in the province.

    c. Evaluating hydro-meteorological contents in the planning and design of construction works and construction projects in localities in accordance with regulations.

    d. Appraising technical standards of works, measuring equipment of specialized hydro-meteorological works, equipment for observation and positioning of lightning produced by the localities with state budget capital.

    đ. Coordinating with the concerned agencies and units in protecting and settling violations of the technical safety corridors of the central hydro-meteorological works in their respective localities.

    e. Collecting, exploiting and using hydro-meteorological data in localities in accordance with regulations.


    10. Climate change:

    a. Developing and updating provincial action plan to respond to climate change; guiding and coordinating the organization of implementation.

    b. Organizing the implementation of tasks within the scope of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in the national strategies, programs and plans on climate change, projects, programs and programs to respond to climate change. Organizing the inspection of the implementation of objectives in programs, plans and projects on climate change in the localities under their management.

    Monitoring and assessing the impacts of climate change on natural and human conditions and socio-economic development to propose response measures.

    c. Guiding the implementation of greenhouse gas mitigation activities in line with the province's socio-economic conditions; inspect and supervise compliance with regulations on inventory and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.


    11. Measuring and mapping:

    a. Appraising documents and proposing the Vietnam Survey and Mapping Department to grant and supplement the geodesic and cartographic activity licenses in accordance with regulations.

    b. Organizing and managing the implementation of geodesic and cartographic activities according to plans; assisting the provincial People's Committee in inspecting and evaluating the quality of geodesic and cartographic works and products; managing the local mapping and mapping system; managing the security, storaging and provising the exploitation and use of geodesic and cartographic information; managing the protection of geodesic and cartographic works in accordance with regulations.

    c. Managing and organizing the construction, updating and exploitation of the system of geodesic and cartographic technical infrastructure in the province.

    d. Monitoring the publication and distribution of maps and proposing competent state agencies to suspend the issuance and revocation of maps containing errors in administrative boundaries or geographical locations in their respective localities; the map's publications have technical errors.


    12. Remote sensing:

    a. Assuming the prime responsibility for summing up the demand for exploitation and use of remote sensing data of the province; proposing the purchase and exchange of national and international remote sensing data to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee for decision.

    b. Managing, storing, supplementing, updating and publishing remote sensing data and building local remote sensing databases for supply to agencies, organizations and individuals in accordance with regulations.


    13. Documentation and application of information technology:

    a. Organizing the implementation of programs and plans for collection, updating, archiving and exploitating the information on natural resources and environment; applying and developing the information technology of natural resources and environment of the province under its management.

    b. Organizing the establishment, management and operation of natural resources and environment databases under its management.

    c. Organizing the state administrative management computerization in the domains under its management; guiding, inspecting and managing information systems and specialized management software.

    d. Managing the operation of technical infrastructure, maintaining the operation of e-portals or websites, electronic libraries and ensure the provision of online public administrative services under the management of the Department.

    đ. Ensuring the safety and security of information systems and electronic databases on natural resources and the environment; managing, storing and supplying information and materials on natural resources and environment under the management of the Department.


    14. Guiding and inspecting the professionalism and professionalism of the state management over natural resources and environment of the Natural Resources and Environment Office of the district-level People's Committee specialized in natural resources and environment.


    15. Carrying out international cooperation in the fields under the management of the Department in accordance with the regulations and assign, decentralize or authorize the provincial People's Committee and the president of the provincial People's Committee.


    16. Organizing the research and application of scientific and technological advances and technologies on natural resources and environment. Assuming the prime responsibility or participate in the appraisal of subjects, schemes and projects on research and application of scientific and technical advances and technologies related to natural resources and environment of the province.


    17. Guiding and inspecting the implementation of the mechanism of autonomy and self-responsibility of public non-business units operating in the domain of natural resources and environment of the province.


    18. Assisting the provincial People's Committee in performing the state management over enterprises, collective economic organizations and private economic organizations; participating in managing the organization and operation of associations and non-governmental organizations in the field of natural resources and environment under the management of the provincial People's Committee.


    19. Examining, inspecting and handling law violations and settling complaints and denunciations, combating corruption in the domain of natural resources and environment in accordance with the regulations and assign and authorize the Commission Provincial people.


    20. Defining the functions, responsibilities, powers, organizational structure and working relationships of units attached to the Department; managing public payrolls, the number of people working in public non-business units, applying the wage regime as well as policies and regimes on preferential treatment, training, fostering, rewarding and disciplining for public employees and employees under the management of the Department in accordance with the regulations and decentralization of the provincial People's Committee; organizing professionally fostering for civil servants of the district-level Natural Resources and Environment Section and specialized public employees assisting the People's Committee of communes, wards and townships in the state management over natural resources and environment.


    21. Managing and being responsible for finance and assets of the Department in accordance with the regulations and under the assignment or authorization of the provincial People's Committee.


    22. Making statistics and reporting on the situation of management and protection of natural resources and environment in localities in accordance with the regulations.


    23. Performing other responsibilities assigned by the People's Committee or Chairman of the provincial People's Committee or prescribed by law.