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Improving the quality and effectiveness of social supervision and criticism, contributing to building the Party, the ...

Improving the quality and effectiveness of social supervision and criticism, contributing to building the Party, the government
Thoroughly grasp the Party’s leadership point of views on the implementation of the task of social supervision and criticism followed Decision No. 217-QD/TW, dated 12/12/2013 and Decision No. 218-QD/TW, on 12/12/2013 of the Politburo (Session XI), in the last term, the Party Supervised Committee of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee coordinated with the Mass Mobilization Commission of Provincial Party Committee to advise the Standing Committee to issue the Plan No. 64-KH/TU, dated 07/05/2014 on thoroughly implementing Decision No. 217-QD/TW, Decision No. 218-QD/TW of the Politburo; directing the local committees at all levels, socio-political organizations to thoroughly and regularly implement. At the same time, it is determined as a key task, needs to focus on many solutions, suitable methods, ensuring quality and efficiency.

During the term, the Party Supervised Committee of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations thoroughly grasped and deployed in a contingent of specialized cadres at all levels to follow the direction of the Party Committee and coordinated with the committees for building the Party and government at the same level, concretized and elaborated plans, paid attention to the contents and forms of social supervision and criticism, ensured timeliness and practicality; avoided overlapping in time and venue, fitted political tasks of each unit, locality, focused on issues that are concerned by members and people through many specific forms, ways such as: Organizing review conferences, thematic supervision, unscheduled monitoring according to the incident, regular monitoring. With many diversified and flexible forms and methods, in the past term, the Fatherland Front and other socio-political organizations have organized 1,143 surveillance and 08 social criticism conferences. In particular, the Fatherland Front committee at all levels have presided over 853 surveillance, 06 social criticism conferences directly related to the implementation of policies, laws, regimes for people with meritorious services, and the implementation of democratic regulations at the grassroots level, results of handling complaints and denunciations of citizens, publicity of inspection conclusions, monitoring of administrative procedure reform for civil servants in State administrative agencies in the period of 2017-2020, etc. The socio-political unions have instructed grassroots levels to annually hold at least one surveillance in the locality on relevant policies and laws which directly affect the legitimate rights and interests of the members and workers. The Fatherland Front of communes, wards, and towns has guided and directed the People’s Inspectorate, the Investment Supervision Board of Community to carry out 1,685 surveillance, focusing on contents such as construction criteria of new countryside, civilized city; building community welfare, implementing local conventions in residential areas, etc.

The Front’s participation in contributing ideas to building the Party and government according to Decision No. 218-QD/TW of the Politburo (Session XI) has been carried out well in many localities. In 5 years, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in the province held 3,500 conferences for the people to contribute their suggestions on building the Party and government; advised, proposed to hold 240 dialogue conferences between heads of Party committees and authorities at all levels with the people to listen to legitimate thoughts and aspirations; promptly directed the resolution of issues that arise at the grassroots level, at the same time, received suggestions to better perform the work of leadership, direction, administration, and improve the responsibility of cadres and Party members in performing local political duties.

 Through social monitoring and criticism, comments from the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations have helped to propose solutions to more properly and effectively implement the policies and regulations; contribute to protect legitimate rights and interests of citizens, organizations, and enterprises, protect the interests of the State and limit violations of the law, contribute to building a clean and strong Party and government. Many recommendations after monitoring have been seriously accepted and implemented by agencies, organizations, and individuals.

In order to better perform the function of social supervision and criticism, contribute ideas to build the Party and the government of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations in the province, in the near future the Fatherland Front and social-political organizations in the province needs to continue to strengthen the leadership and regular direction of the Party committee, the active and responsible coordination of the government, the unity of action of socio-political organizations; continue to promote propaganda within the Party committees, authorities, Fatherland Front, mass organizations, cadres, Party members and the people about the Party’s and State’s regulations on supervision and social measures aimed at raising awareness of all levels, sectors and people in the organization and implementation; selecting appropriate content, form of social supervision and criticism, and having effective solutions for implementation; improving the quality of synthesizing opinions and recommendations after social supervision and criticism to ensure objectivity, honesty, completeness, with legal, scientific and practical basis. The proposed solutions must be feasible and effective. At the same time maintain the monitoring, urge and supervise the reception and implementation of recommendations of authorities at all levels, sectors, agencies, and units after supervision./.