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Learn and practice Ho Chi Minh’s moral codes: Party cadres of Ha Nam’s Department of Justice compete to set the highe...

Learn and practice Ho Chi Minh’s moral codes: Party cadres of Ha Nam’s Department of Justice compete to set the highest in welcoming the twentieth Congress of Party Committee of Ha Nam for the 2020-2025 term
Welcome to Ha Nam, my hometown, a heroic motherland in the reform initiated by the Party and our leaders. Ha Nam has had achievements spanned in many areas: political security – social safety order is maintained, the economy develops, and people’s lives are steadily improved.

During the past period, the Department of Justice's party members always strives to learn and practice Ho Chi Minh's moral codes. This is an important and daily duty, which helps cadres learn and train to become a worthy Party member, “a loyal leader and servant of the People".

Along with Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Ideology is not only a precious ideology of our Party, our People, our Army but also a leading guide helping the Vietnam revolution maintain its streak of winning. In the seventh National Congress of the Party, the Communist Party of Vietnam affirmed “Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Ideology act as our Party's ideology, foundation and guide towards action".

In reality, the human-centered ideology plays an essential role in the ideology system of President Ho Chi Minh and acts as a standard to form the personality of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam's people, cadres, and party members.

Learning and practicing Ho Chi Minh's moral codes requires the spirit of independence, self-reliance, commitment to overcome low self-esteem thought, narrow nationalism, and condemn the delusion of capitalism. 

The renewal in Vietnam has and is setting more demanding requirements with the formation and development of Vietnamese's desirable personality trait. This further provides new opportunities and challenges in our field of ethics. More than ever, our Party and People now need to pay more attention to the matter of ethics, continue to form and improve the ethics management in the Party and the People. Inheriting the great moral tradition of our ancestors, learning and practicing Ho Chi Minh's moral codes is one of the most important measures to fight the moral degradation in the lifestyle of our officials, party members, and people. This will improve the ethics level in our society, helping to maintain political, social security and motivate a fast, effective, and sustainable development. The most basic issue when campaigning is each one of us needs to be fully aware of the moral issue, regularly willing to learn, practice Ho Chi Minh's moral codes.

Result of implementing Directive 05-CT/TW of Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam about learning and practicing Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, morals, and style

The Ministry of Justice has implemented the Directive 05-CT/TW regarding learning the essential content of Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, morals, and style accorded to Resolution 04-QN/TW dated 30/10/2016 of the Central Committee on increasingly building, improving the Party; preventing and fighting the degradation of morals, ethics, lifestyle, and the illustrations of “Self-behaving", “Self-changing" within the office; turning the learning and practicing Ho Chi Minh's moral codes into cells' regular activity. This would thus drastically improve the political thoughts, self-improvement, moral codes, responsibility, habit, professionalism, modernism, efficiency, contributing to the construction of a transparent and strong office. During the last period, the Party has instructed officials, party members of the Justice Department, from province to office, to follow the annual content of the  06-CT/TW.

Result of fulfilling political task

The task of drafting, assessing, checking, inspecting, systemizing legal documents to ensure the legality, probability, and reform's requirement. During the last period, the Department has completed the assessment of legal documents; reviewed the civil registration, nationality, attestation, adoption, criminal report, secured transaction registration, government liability, resolution of administrative violation, supervision of law enforcement, government management on justice and legal assistance. For the publicity of administrative procedure, the Department of Justice has instructed the Justice office of districts, cities, towns to publicize administrative procedure on different fields; regularly check toll gates, fees, and People's contributions. Regarding the legal enforcement task, Ha Nam is the second first province to implement it in the nation, which is highly regarded by the Ministry of Justice.

The Department of Justice from districts to offices in the last period has successfully fulfilled the tasks, passing all the planned criteria compared to the 2010-2015 period. The learning and practicing of Ho Chi Minh's moral codes are strictly directed by the Department's leaders. Many officials, party members were awarded by the Ha Nam's People's Committee. 6 districts, towns, cities in the last period has enthusiastically campaigned, popularized legal education, and has been learning and practicing according to the Directive 05-CT/TW. After annual ranking, all the districts, towns, cities have successfully fulfilled the tasks.

Every party members all determinedly learn and practice Ho Chi Minh's moral codes in everyday life, either in the good or bad time.

Yêu Bác lòng ta trong sáng hơn

Xin nguyện cùng Người vươn tới mãi

            Meaning translation:

            Respect for Uncle Ho makes our hearts clearer

May all our life strive to follow his example

                                                                                                Tran Van Thanh

A former member of the District's committee

Former Deputy Chairman of Inspection Committee of Binh Luc District