Under King Hung’s dynasty, Ha Nam was a part of Giao Chi, consisting of Duy Tien, Kim Bang, Thanh Liem, Binh Luc and a part of Ly Nhan district. During this period, residents of Ha Namunderwent a process of conquest and adaption, gradually mastering this swampy lowland. They together with other Vietnamese ancient people across the country contributed to the construction of our peoples’ civilization - Van Lang - Au Lac civilization. Ha Nam residents and residents of the country from the dense wilderness travelled along the rivers to the downlands to reclaim land and establish villages. Gradually they created a more pleasant life and a culture of indigenous nature.
During the revolt of Hai Ba Trung, Ha Nam had many female generals who supported Hai Ba. Nguyet Nga in Duy Tien, Cao Thi Lien in Thanh Liem were Hai Ba’s famous Female Generals. Kim Bang in Ha Nam was also a base for Female General Le Chan in the struggle against the Eastern Han enemy.
During the revolt of Ly Bi and Trieu Quang Phuc, General Dinh Loi in Thanh Liem was a talented man who assisted Ly Bi in the fights against Luong enemies and won various victories. After the victory (542), Dinh Loi was appointed by Ly Bi to conquer the northeastern land. After Ly Bi’s death in 548, Trieu Quang Phuc was handed the soldiers, Dinh Loi supported Trieu Quang Phuc in the continuing fights and gained a complete victory. He was named “Sinh than Dai Vuong”.
During the construction and protection of the national independence (Khuc, Ngo, Dinh, Tien Le) Ha Nam land and people actively supported Khuc Thua Du and Duong Dinh Nghe. After Ngo Quyen’s death, Ngo Quyen’s relatives took 40 people to Thanh Liem for residence.
Dinh Bo Linh raised the flag, even monk Nguyen Minh Quang at Bao Thai temple (Thanh Liem) actively participated in mobilizing his disciples to support Dinh Bo Linh. Nguyen Ninh and Nguyen Tinh in Binh Luc recruited the soldiers, established forts at homeland to help Dinh Bo Linh to pacify. Truong Nguyen was also a great general of Dinh Bo Linh. After Do Thich killed Dinh Tien Hoang and his son in October 979, in 980, Le Hoan took the throne. He strengthened the defense and developed the economics. He himself participated in the plowing in Doi Son (Duy Tien).
The history recorded “In the Spring of Dinh Hoi, the 8th year (987), the King participated in the plowing in Doi Mount and found a small jar of gold, participated in the plowing in Ban Hai Mount and found a small jar of silver, therefore, the field was named the “gold and silver field” (“ruong kim ngan” in Vietnamese) (“Dai Viet su ky toan thu”, Volume I, H.1972 page 141). Thanks to this event, Le Hoan was the very first king in history to actually participate in the plowing, expanding the policy of agriculture focus  for many generations afterwards.
During this period, the traditional craftsmanship in Ha Nam such as silkworm rearing, reeling, weaving continued to develop. In 985, Le Hoan sent 1 lakh of silk to King Tong for donation... Tien Le dynasty not only developed agriculture, small industry, commerce but also expanded the traffic to meet the needs of economic development.