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Promoting the role and responsibility of elected bodies in supervising the compliance with the Constitution and laws ...

Promoting the role and responsibility of elected bodies in supervising the compliance with the Constitution and laws in the province
During the past term, led and directed by the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Standing Committee of the Party, based on regulations about functions, tasks, working, with the motto of innovation – improving the efficiency of the People’s Council, the Supervised Party Committee of Provincial People’s Council have led People’s Council comprehensively implement the tasks according to regulations, especially supervise the compliance with the Constitution and laws in the province by state administrative agencies, judicial agencies and local people in performing the functions, duties, rights, and responsibilities.

For the supervision of state administrative agencies, from the beginning of the term up to now, the Supervised Party Committee of Provincial People’s Council has led and directed 38 thematic monitoring, focusing on the law observance in implementing mechanisms and policies in the fields of finance – budget, construction investment, environment & resources, social welfare policies. The supervision is carefully prepared, with specific, depth, right and timely methods. Along with that, the supervision of the resolution of voters’ opinions and petitions, the handling of citizens’ complaints and denunciations is concentrated and regularly directed. Opinions and recommendations of voters have been received and fully synthesized, timely classified according to location, field. With the regular and drastic urging and supervision, many legitimate opinions and petitions of voters in recent years have been resolved, many contents with a wide impact such as environmental pollution, handling domestic waste, clean water for the countryside, upgrading and repairing transport, drainage infrastructure, etc. basically meet the legitimate aspirations of voters and people.

At the meetings of the Provincial People’s Council, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Council, the committees of the Provincial People’s Council have fully verified the reports of the Provincial People’s Committee following the regulations with criticism, not avoiding when mentioning the shortcomings and limitations. Provincial People’s Council has spent a lot of time for delegates to conduct questions and consider answers, thereby clarifying the issues that the delegates and voters are interested in, clearly defining the responsibilities of the Provincial People’s Committee and related organizations. Standing Committee of the People’s Council, committees of the Provincial People’s Council also regularly supervise the compliance of the law when implementing resolutions of the Provincial People’s Council, promulgating legal documents, administrative documents with normative content to ensure that the promulgation, content, and order of documents follow regulations. Through monitoring, administrative agencies have been proposed to overcome shortcomings, limitations, promptly amending, supplementing, and replacing contents that are not by regulations of superior state agencies, so not having violations in the implementation.

For supervising activities of judicial agencies, annually, the Standing Committee of the People’s Council and the Legal Committee of the Provincial People’s Council have developed a plan to supervise judicial activities; regularly monitored, grasped the situation, and updated information related to judicial agencies’ activities. Before each regular session, the Legal Committee surveyed and grasped the operation situation of judicial agencies to verify the reports submitted at the meeting; at the same time, focused on monitoring judicial reform-related contents. Along with the regular monitoring, the Standing Committee of the People’s Council, the Legal Committee of the Provincial People’s Council have conducted much thematic monitoring and many surveys and supervision of cases according to the petition of the voters. Through monitoring, administrative agencies have been proposed to overcome shortcomings and limitations, have solutions to improve the quality of work, ensure deadline and compliance with legal regulations; well implementing the judicial reform, contributing to enhancing the responsibility of judicial agencies in the province as well as the people and enterprises in complying with the Constitution and laws.

For the observance of the Constitution and the laws of the people, the Supervised Party Committee of Provincial People’s Council has directed the Standing Committee of Provincial People’s Council to coordinate and direct relevant agencies to propagate, disseminate, educate the law. Bringing the law to life becomes an urgent requirement, needs to be done regularly, continuously, and effectively with many suitable forms and measures. To bring into full play the effectiveness of monitoring the compliance with the Constitution and laws, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Council has strengthened information and propaganda about the activities of the People’s Council, especially meetings and sessions; propagated mechanisms, policies, legal regulations, and the resolve of voters’ recommendations to cadres, party members and people, contributed to raising awareness and creating consensus in the implementation and perform process.

In the coming time, the Supervised Party Committee of Provincial People’s Council will continue to lead and direct the implementation of tasks and solutions to further promote the roles and responsibilities of the elected body on overseeing the compliance of the Constitution and law in the province; raise awareness of the position and importance of activities of People’s Councils in general and supervisory activities in particular; strengthen the Party’s leadership for the activities of the People’s Council, ensure that the People’s Council has enough power and capacity to perform their functions and duties according to the provisions of the Constitution, the Law on Organization of the local government and legitimate aspirations of the people; focus on improving the capacity, responsibility and quality of delegates, especially specialist delegates of the People’s Council; reform the organization of supervision, focus on the selection of topics for monitoring, develop a monitoring program, focus on monitoring the compliance with the Constitution and laws in the province for people’s feedback, recommendations and public opinion; ensure favorable conditions for activities of People’s Councils including supervision activities./.